Dear Hectorians,. We would like to share an update regarding the progress of the Hector Network dissolution.

19 Jul 2023, 13:18
Dear Hectorians, We would like to share an update regarding the progress of the Hector Network dissolution. On July 18, 2023, the Steering Committee appointed the Liquidation Committee to oversee and run the liquidation process, after which the Steering Committee has ceased to exist. The Liquidation Committee consists of Legal Counsel: Sparring Smart Contract Auditors: Certik and Hacken BVI Liquidator: To be assigned by the Legal Counsel Financial Statements and Asset Liquidation: Head of Finance Infrastructure Closure: Head of Development Head of Development along with two developers will be retained to wind down all the infrastructure, emissions plan, farming, liquidity pools, write, test and deploy the redemption contracts, and all other tasks regarding the old and new infrastructure. Head of Finance will advise legal counsel and the liquidator on the closing of the financial statements as well as assist with the liquidation of assets and will only remain until that process is completed. Leo and Zeus have resigned as of 16th and 17th of July and all other contractors terms of service will be honoured over the next month. We express our huge gratitude for their contributions and dedication to the project and wish them the best in their future endeavours. We assure you that we are committed to conducting the liquidation process with integrity and transparency. We will keep you updated on the progress of the dissolution and provide further information as it becomes available. Your support and understanding during this challenging period are greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us through our official communication channels. Thank you for being part of the Hector Network community, and we extend our gratitude for your support and engagement.